Brian Eno: The Long Now
This is lecture given in the series of seminars of the LongNow foundation.
It contains Brians perspective of the Long Now (and the Big Here), some discussion about his music and especially also his studies for a bell for the Long Now clock (see He mentions how the long-term thinking is influencing his life.
Neat thoughts from the lecture:
- an example of long-term thinking in the past: 500 years ago the builders of the 'New College' in Oxford already thought about the time (now), when the oak beams supporting the ceiling of the building would have to be replaced - they already planted new oaks at the time of building ...
- talking about the feeling of helplessness of people in these days: create a book '250 projects for a better future' with one-page ideas. Big ones like desalination, or local ones like how to help old people in local community.
- what did the Long Now change for your life? The long-term perspective takes a whole lot of pressure out of ones life.
- how to focus on the Long Now? As experiment/discussion think about what we/you would do, if we would for certain have only 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year more to live. Then also consider, if you would live for 1000 years.
It is available at their site as PDF and as recording (see