Brett McLauglin, David Flanagan: Java 5.0 Tiger
Nice and concise book showing the new features of Java 5 (Yes, I know, there is Java 6 now - but then I wasn't aware yet of many of these features, and I guess, 6 doesn't have as many so visible), nicely described with examples.
Things new to me, or things to remind myself about:
- Arrays.deepToString() & Arrays.deepEquals()
- Queue & PriorityQueue
- Overriding return types!
- Erasure
- Type wildcards <?> and generic types
- Enums (.valueOf(), .ordinal(), .values()) & EnumMaps & EnumSet
- varargs
- import static
- printf() = format()
- BlockingQueue
- TimeUnit
- new threading with return values -> Future, FutureTask; and thread scheduling -> Callable, Executor, ExecutorService