Repeating cracks and fault liness lead to very different patterns in a color square.
Using this simple idea, I draw the fault lines as multiple slightly broken lines of different colors to make it look somewhat more natural and let the separated parts slide against each other for a random amount in an animated way.
The placement of the fault lines makes also a strong difference - different examples are shown below for different color combinations.
Here, a point inside the square and a direction are selected randomly.
In the next run, a point of the fault line is selected randomly inside the square, but the direction has preference to be horizontal.
Placing the point of the fault lines in a localized region while allowing it to have a random direction generates the impression of a localized impact.
Localized placement together with a preference for horizontal direction.
Thinking about cracking: in this version that I used on Instagram I have added cracking sounds to the movements. Sound is difficult, here I used the single Click2 sound while transforming its speed depending on the length of the sliding interval with the help of SoX. In the middle it reverses to leave a nearly clean square again at the end.